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0 Articles Written Last Month
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How to change the units to mm (Millimeters)
To change the unit of measurement from inches to mm (metric sizes) please follow these steps. Navigate to File Hover over Preferences to expand the menu Click on Units Select Millimeters Click OK...
0 min reading timeRelease Notes
Version 12 Added Front or Side shaping - You can now shape cabinets from the face or side in the Product Editor Shape tab. Added "Face" Side Type - There has been a generic "Face" side type to be used when a cabinet requires multiple faces. Face Frame Joint Overrides - In the Face tab in the Product Editor you can now right click to change the joint...
16 min reading timeHow to add 3D drawings to MultiPrint
1. Start by navigating to the 3D View 2. Rotate your view and zoom in/out until you have the view in the perspective you are happy with (tip - you can also turn layers such as walls on/off to make it easier to see a particular part of your drawing). 3. Enter a name for your view. Descriptive names make it easier to find in MutliPrint. 4. Navigate to...
0 min reading timeCNC Operator Complete Guide
This video combines all other videos in this chapter on how to download, install and configure the CNC Operator. We cover both the file-sharing method and the USB thumb drive method. Your browser does not support HTML5 video....
0 min reading timeHow to update your NVIDIA Graphics Card Driver
If you are seeing a red x or a SharpDX error message in Mozaik as shown in one of the images below and your computer has an NVIDIA graphics card, please follow these steps in this article to update your graphics card driver. 1. Click here to open the NVIDIA website to download the driver software 2. Click the Download Now button 3. Find the file in...
0 min reading timeAdjustable Shelf Back Holes
To add adjustable shelf holes to the back of the cabinet please follow these steps. 1. Open the product editor and navigate to the Shape Tab. Then click on the back edge of the shape 2. Click the "Adjust Side" button 3. Enable the options "Bore Shelf Holes" and "Center" then click OK to return back to your cabinet. Note that you can use this same ap...
0 min reading timeHow to setup onion skin cutting
In the Optimizer - navigate to the Optimize tab Click on Cutout Options In the area "Cutting Options" you can control the Skin/Tab Thickness (this is the amount of material remaining after the first cutting pass). EG: 1mm would leave 1mm of material on the first pass. If your material thickness is 16mm thick, a setting of 1mm would force the first c...
0 min reading timeHow to send your job to the Helpdesk
If you are experiencing some issues in your job we might ask you to email your job to us, so we can then look at your job and help you resolve the problem you are having. Below is a guide to show you how to send your job to the team at Cadmate and also to the Mozaik team in the states as sometimes we will suggest you send your job to them also. With...
1 min reading timeCommon questions to consider when setting up Mozaik
Below is a list of questions to consider when setting up how you build cabinets in Mozaik. We recommend thinking about these questions before your introduction training session. What is your standard/most common Toe Kick Height? Standard Cabinets Heights (see below image): Do you run your ends to the floor or the kick? Do you use a front rail and i...
0 min reading timeHow to request your first Authorization code
After subscribing to Mozaik, your order is processed by an administration team member at Mozaik. This happens during US business hours. Usually, if you subscribe to Mozaik during Australian or New Zealand daytime hours, you will receive the welcome email overnight (weekends excluded). Once you receive the welcome email, you can download Mozaik Softw...
0 min reading timeCNC Operator - How to export and import a job via USB
In this video, we explain how to transfer a job from your CNC Complete computer to your CNC Operator computer by exporting it to a USB thumb drive. Your browser does not support HTML5 video....
0 min reading timePaperless shop setup
Paperless Shop Setup Please see the following instructions to set up Paperless Shop over a Cloud-based service or Shared Network Drive. Choose a Cloud location that Mozaik & the Paperless Shop Tablets can access On the Paperless Shop Tablets, go to the Setup Menu & write down the UserID's for each Tablet Browse to the proper Cloud Locatio...
0 min reading timeBlum Merivobox Inner Drawers
Download the Blum Merivobox Inner Drawers insert folder ***DISCLAIMER*** We strongly recommend cutting a test inner drawer/tray before machining a job to ensure that the drilling and part sizes are correct and to your liking. Extract and save the “Blum Merivobox Inner Drawers” folder into your “Insert Libraries” folder. The default location of the I...
0 min reading timeHow to radius a tool path point
1. Click on the point 2. Click the (R) icon 3. Enter your radius 4. If you need to reverse the direction of the radius, you can check the 'Inside radius' box 5. Click OK...
0 min reading timeVersion 12.0.10
Click HERE to download Version 12.0.10 - Uploaded April 3, 2023 12.0.10 - Fixed an issue causing toe notches to be added to applied doors that did not reach the floor- Fixed tab order in countertop settings and part properties windows- Fixed an issue causing front stretcher top scribe to be incorrect- Fixed an issue where certain top/back joints w...
0 min reading timeHow to register for the Mozaik Forum
Click here to open the Mozaik forum The password to get in is mozaik812 Please use your registered company name and email address when registering. It will take 48-72 hours to approve your registration to the forums. After you are registered, check the Software Updates Forum for updates. Updates are posted as changes are made – we recommend you c...
0 min reading timeHow to share your files with other computers
Setup File Sharing By default, all of Mozaik’s files will be located in the C:\Mozaik folder. If you have Mozaik installed on multiple devices and you want to share jobs, libraries, material settings, etc. you may want to share these files. This option allows you to set the location of all shared data within Mozaik. Each location can be set to any l...
4 min reading timeHow to alter the number of cutting passes for a tool
Open the Mozaik Optimizer (View/Optimizer) Navigate to Libraries/CNC Tooling Nest, click on the tool you would like to alter You can control the number of passes using the "Pass Depth" field. EG a value of 5mm will make the machine cut in 5mm increments (5mm, 10mm, 15mm, etc) Click OK to save your changes (Note you will need to re-generate your GCod...
0 min reading timeHow to update Mozaik Software to the latest version
Update to the Latest Version of Mozaik To update your Mozaik Software to the latest version, please follow the following steps: Download the latest version of Mozaik by clicking here Ensure Mozaik is closed Backup your entire Mozaik folder on your C Drive before continuing (see video below for more information) Install the new version by running the...
0 min reading timeVersion 12.0.16
Click HERE to download Version 12.0.16 - Uploaded May 22, 2023 12.0.14 - Fixed crash caused by manually making edits to PartLibrary.xml- "Section Side" button was showing up in the Ends dialog incorrectly in certain cases- Fixed an error that can occur when attempting to delete after moving to Elevation View with certain items selected- Grouped/grai...
0 min reading timeHow to renew your subscription
After the initial 90-day trial subscription Mozaik will email you a renewal form. This form will invite you to continue your subscription for the next 12 months. After the initial 90-day period has ended Mozaik customers may elect to sign up annually. At that time you may choose to have your payments applied monthly and receive monthly codes, quart...
0 min reading timeCNC Operator - Export and Import Settings
This video explains using Mozaik's Export and Import options to copy your CNC Complete data to your CNC Operator computer. Your browser does not support HTML5 video....
0 min reading timeHow to drill handle holes
Please watch this video to learn how to set Mozaik to drill handle holes Your browser does not support HTML5 video....
0 min reading timeHow to change where your GCode files are saved
First open the Optimizer (From Mozaik naviagte to View/Optimizer) Select Settings Select Preferences General tab "GCode Output Directory" is the location where your GCode files are saved when you generate GCode. Click the browse button to change the location to your preferred location. Note you may also wish to uncheck the "Add GCode Subfolder to E...
0 min reading timeMozaik Version 11.0.8 - Uploaded 12/12/2022
Click here to download Version 11.0.8 uploaded 12/12/2022 Bug Splats and Minor updates. * 3D viewer updated to accommodate new Intel Video Graphics requirements – Note: lines may appear thinner than previously on certain graphics card setups. * Fixed error that could happen when printing labels on custom sheet with 1 row or 1 column * Fixed an issue...
0 min reading timeBiesse CIX Post Processor Update
New Biesse post variables are now supported in the Version 11.0.7 release to enhance the control of lead-ins and lead-outs in .cix files. See the example below that demonstrates the values in bSolid controlled by the new post variables. Lead-in Commands * TIN Lead In Type <None>,<Corrected 3DLine>,<Corrected 3DCurve><LeadInTyp...
1 min reading timeHow to change how deep your tool routes into the spoilboard
1. Open the Mozaik Optimizer 2. Click on Libraries/CNC Tooling 3. Select your tool. 4. Click on Tool Properties 5. Change the "Add for thru cut" amount to the desired amount...
0 min reading timeMozaik Door Gaps
Base Cabinet Example: Wall Cabinet Example:...
0 min reading timeHow to add an Additional Seat to Mozaik
Adding Aditional Seats Click on this link and add the additional seat to your cart No need to login, just place the order using the same name, email address and company name as your original order. Note down the invoice number after checking out Download Mozaik onto the new computer Install Mozaik on the new computer. Open Mozaik and note down the n...
0 min reading timeHow to download and install the CNC Operator
Please watch the video below to learn how to download and install the CNC Operator. Note: You must first add the CNC Operator to your subscription here . Your browser does not support HTML5 video....
0 min reading timeHow to update to Mozaik V12
Please watch the video below, which will guide you through updating Mozaik to V12. Please create a backup before updating by using one of the two methods in the video below. Click the link to watch the Version 12 Training Videos Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Download Version 12 Updates Please read all update documentation and watch all...
0 min reading timeBins Wesco Pullboy
Download Bins Wesco Pullboy Folder ***DISCLAIMER*** We strongly recommend cutting a test cabinet with the bin insert before machining a job to ensure that the drilling and part sizes are correct and to your liking. Extract and save the “Bins Wesco Pullboy” folder into your “Insert Libraries” folder. Click to Zoom The default location of the Insert L...
0 min reading timeMiter Fold Library
Download the library here Copy the downloaded folder to C:\Mozaik\Product Libraries (or wherever you have your \Product Libraries pathed) Download the PDF instructions here for info on how to use this library, or see below...
0 min reading timeHow to create your own nested labels in Mozaik
To create nested labels in Mozaik, you will first need to add Nested Labels to your subscription. You can make changes to your Mozaik subscription from your Cyncly Account by following the steps in this article: Mozaik: How to Upgrade from one edition to another. – Design (cyncly.com) Please watch this video to learn how to design and configure a la...
0 min reading timeHow to link Mozaik to Sketchup 2021 & 2022
The SketchUp Fixit Utility works up until SketchUp 2020. Since the release of SketchUp 2021 and 2022 the location that the Mozaik plugin needs to be copied has changed. Please follow these steps to manually copy the Mozaik.rbs plugin into your SkecthUp Plugin Folder. Start by navigating to C:\Mozaik\Utilities Find the file "Mozaik.rbs" Right-click o...
0 min reading timeBins Hafele Hailo Euro Cargo
Download Bins Hafele Hailo Euro Cargo Folder ***DISCLAIMER*** We strongly recommend cutting a test cabinet with the bin insert before machining a job to ensure that the drilling and part sizes are correct and to your liking. Extract and save the “Bins Hafele Hailo Euro Cargo” folder into your “Insert Libraries” folder. The default location of the In...
0 min reading timeHow to subscribe to Mozaik CNC Complete
Click on this link to open the Mozaik Webstore Add Mozaik CNC Complete to your cart If you would like to add Mozaik NBM Labels (so you can print part labels) please click "Continue Shopping" otherwise if you do not need labels please click Checkout and skip the next step Click on Add To Cart for Mozaik NBM Labels After adding Mozaik NBM Labels to y...
0 min reading timeVersion 12.0.9
Click HERE to download Version 12.0.9 - Uploaded March 28, 2023 12.0.9 - Fixed an issue that could cause slowness when looking at drawings in Paperless Shop Apps - Fixed an issue that could cause missing pull holes on certain pair door configuration - Fixed an error that could occur when using certain radiused shaped - Fixed an issue that could ...
1 min reading timeHow to change your edge banding for pre-milling
If your edge bander is set up to pre-mill the edge tape thickness you will need to change the banding thickness in Mozaik to 0mm to ensure Mozaik is not deducting anything for the edging thickness. 1. Navigate to Libraries 2. Select Materials 3. Select the Edgebanding tab 4. Change the thickness of each edgebanding material to 0mm...
0 min reading timeHow to import your logo
1. Import your logo onto a blank page in Multiprint 2. Select "Symbols Library" on the left side menu 3. Drop down the menu and select the "Logos" or "Logos V10f category 4. Click on the image of your logo 5. Press the green + icon on the left menu to add the logo as a symbol Give your symbol a name and press OK To edit the current Title Block, you ...
0 min reading timeVersion 12.0.13
Click HERE to download Version 12.0.13 - Uploaded May 4, 2023 12.0.13 - Implemented CR Onsrud Autolabel post- Fixed an issue where if length trim or width trim was set to 0, both trims were being set to 0- Fixed an issue where blind notches set to almost 0 were causing incorrect dado grooves- Fixed an issue where formulas that took points out of p...
0 min reading timeHow to subscribe to Manufacturing plus Optimizer
Click on this link to open the Mozaik Webstore Add Mozaik Manufacturing to your cart Click Checkout Fill in the required fields marked with the * symbol Please do not use characters such as & # % # @ in your company name. If your company name has the & symbol please type and instead. Next you need to select Credit Card and then enter your c...
0 min reading timeHow to set your default page size in Multiprint
In Multiprint select the Page Setup button 2. Click the Setup button 3. Select your default printer 4. Click OK 5. Select your default page size in the list and click OK...
0 min reading timeVersion 12.0.12
Click HERE to download Version 12.0.12 - Uploaded April 18, 2023 12.0.11 - Opening dimensions for Face Frame Cabinets should now be consistent between doors and drawers, regardless of interior space available- Fixed an issue that could incomplete optimizations when choosing "Sequence by Cab#" and some parts were added in Optimize- Fixed an issue w...
0 min reading timeCadmate CNC Test
Download this part as a Mozaik Optimizer XML Import The part is 500mm x 500mm. Please test using an offcut or sheet of 16.5mm material larger than 510mm x 510mm. Material Thickness = 16.5mm (standard White HMR material) Operation depths are based on 16.5mm For example, a drill depth of 10mm will be Z=6.5mm on most GCode-driven machines where the Z z...
0 min reading timeHow to restore a job from a backup
Start by closing Mozaik and opening a Windows explorer folder. 1. Navigate to C:\Mozaik\Jobs\ and open your job folder 2. Find the job you want to restore from and open the folder 3. Locate the .bak file for the room number that you would like to restore 4. Right-click on the file and select Rename. Change the .bak file extension to .des 5. Click Y...
0 min reading timeSharknose Doors
Sharknose doors are generally created by routing a 45-degree bevel along one edge of a door/drawer front with a 90° Sharp Corner Tool. To manufacture these doors, you must have the 90° Sharp Corner Tool in your toolset. If you are using a machine that needs a specific tool name, such as Biesse, you will need to follow the steps below to change the t...
1 min reading timeHow to transfer Mozaik to a new computer
If you are upgrading your computer and want to move your Mozaik license to a new one, please follow the steps below. Download and install Mozaik on your new computer. Download Mozaik Installer Once you have installed Mozaik, you should read How to update Mozaik Software to the latest version, to ensure that you are running the most current version. ...
1 min reading timeHow to send a job from Mozaik Design to the Optimizer and Generate GCode for your CNC
Please watch this video to learn how to take your Mozaik Design job to the Optimizer to nest and Generate GCode for your CNC Machine. Your browser does not support HTML5 video....
0 min reading timeHow to change the quantity of hinges on a door
Open the cabinet editor and navigate to the Face Tab Click on the door you would like to change (note - you can split the doors to control them independantly) Click the Adjust button Check the "Override # Hinges box Enter the number of hinges you require...
0 min reading timeLeitz Finger Pull Doors
Download the tool here: Leitz Finger Pull 785008438.mzktool Download the image of the tool here: Leitz Finger Pull 785008438.jpg Download the specs of the tool here: Leitz Finger Pull 785008438.pdf Watch the video below for a quick guide on importing the tool and altering the parameters to use this tool. Your browser does not support HTML5 video....
0 min reading timeHow to rotate a label image
Your browser does not support HTML5 video....
0 min reading timeCreate Flipped Sheet Programs
With Flipped Sheet Programs, it is important to get a few settings right. 1. Make sure you measure the sheet of material you are cutting and enter the exact size in Width and Length on the Material tab as shown below 2. Make sure you allow a large enough sheet trim as shown below (we recommend 10mm) 3. When Generating your GCode and enabling "Creat...
0 min reading timeMozaik Version 11.0.9 - Uploaded 2/3/2023
Click here to download Version 11.0.9...
0 min reading timeHow to change the diameter of screw holes
1. Navigate to Libraries 2. Select Hardware 3. Select the "Fasteners" tab 4. Click on "Joint Templates" 5. If you are using the standard Cadmate library, select "Cadmate Screws" in the drop-down menu 6. Change the "Drill Diameter" to a diameter that your machine can drill (EG 5mm if you don't have a 3mm drill) 7. Click Save 8. Repeat for the Fastene...
0 min reading timeCOLOURpyne Textures
1. Download the COLOURpyne range of colours here 2. Copy the downloaded images to C:\Mozaik\Textures\Wood Note: If you have setup file sharing, you will need to check where your Textures folder is pathed in File/Preferences/File Locations The images will now be available for immediate use in Mozaik...
0 min reading timeHow to use the new Bin Inserts
This video will guide you through the best practices for using the new bin inserts with front drilling. Your browser does not support HTML5 video....
0 min reading timeHow to change your Windows Display Scale
Right-click on the desktop background and select Display Settings 2. Locate the Scale Option: 3. Set your Scale to 100%...
0 min reading timeGCode Lesson - Understanding I J Arcs
The following images will help break down how I J arcs movements work. The I movement is the X offset from the centre point of the arc The J movement is the Y offset from the centre point of the arc "Relative Arcs" are X and Y movements based from the start point of the arc. This is the most common method. "Absolute Arcs" are X and Y movements bas...
0 min reading timeHow to import locks into Mozaik
Click on Tools Click Import Updated Data Expand Locks Tick on all the locks that you would like to import Click Import The locks can then be edited in your hardware library: Once you have your drilling set up you will then need to make sure the Door in your door library can have this drilling applied to it...
0 min reading timeHow to subscribe to Mozaik Manufacturing
Click on this link to open the Mozaik Webstore Add Mozaik Manufacturing to your cart Click Checkout Fill in the required fields marked with the * symbol Please do not use characters such as & # % # @ in your company name. If your company name has the & symbol please type and instead. Next you need to select Credit Card and then enter your c...
0 min reading timeVersion 12.0.17
Click HERE to download Version 12.0.17 - Uploaded May 22, 2023 12.0.17 - Updated links to online help and videos- Fixed an issue in which very small shaped pockets can have a ramp in segment that goes out of bounds...
0 min reading timeMozaik Version 11.0.7 - Uploaded 6/10/2022
Click here to download V11.0.7 MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR CURRENT MOZAIK FOLDER BEFORE YOU RUN THE UPDATE Bug Splats and Minor updates. 3D viewer updated to accommodate new Intel Video Graphics requirements – Note: lines may appear thinner than previously on certain graphics card setups. Fixed error that could happen when printing labels on custom sheet...
0 min reading timeHow to reverse the architectural door swings
1. Navigate to Multiprint - File/Print/Multiprint 2. Place an elevation view on the page, click on it, then right-click to bring up the menu 3. Select "Drawing Settings" 4. Select the "Elevation" tab 5. Tick the checkbox option for "Reverse Arch Door Swings" 6. Select "Save to Template" 7. Select the template you want to override 8. Click OK The tem...
0 min reading timeHow to setup and use the CNC Operator via file sharing
Please watch this video to learn how to setup and use the CNC Operator using the file-sharing method. This is suitable if you have internet access on your CNC Operator computer for your files to synchronize. Your browser does not support HTML5 video....
0 min reading timeHow to copy your Mozaik files from one computer to another via USB
To copy your Mozaik data from your main computer, browse to the C:\Mozaik folder in Windows Explorer. 1. Hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and select the following folders: Data Images Insert Libraries Jobs Product Libraries Textures 2. Then click the Copy option 3. Paste these folders onto a USB drive. 4. Insert the USB into your new computer...
0 min reading timeHow to test the alignment of your CNC for Flipside Operations
Please refer to the image and video explanation below to learn how to create a simple alignment test. This test aims to help you correctly align your CNC Machine Global Origins. Your browser does not support HTML5 video....
0 min reading timeVersion 12.1.3
Click HERE to download Version 12.1.3 - Uploaded June 9, 2023 12.1.3 - Removed the "No Product Library" message during load when users add a non-product library folder to the product library directory - Fixed an issue in which door parts with various overrides may not show profiles in Room 3D views- Fixed an issue in which selecting elevation view ...
0 min reading timeVersion 12.1.1
Version 12.1.1 - Uploaded June 5, 2023 Click the link to watch the Version 12.1 Training Videos New Features: Modular Sizing - Added the option to set incremental modular sizes for products - Users can define the incremental sizes that they want to limit their products to be sized at. This will be helpful for shops that have standard sized cabinet ...
2 min reading timeHow to setup the CNC Operator via USB
Please watch this video to learn how to set up the CNC Operator via USB. This approach is recommended for businesses without internet access on their CNC Operator computer. Your browser does not support HTML5 video....
0 min reading timeHow to enable high performance graphics
Recent Windows changes now allow Windows to decide if your computer will use the graphics card or the inbuilt graphics. We recommend setting Mozaik and the Optimizer to always run in High-Performance mode if you have a graphics card. This will allow Mozaik to access your graphics card regardless of battery life or power settings. 1. In the windows ...
0 min reading time