Version 12.1.1

Uploaded June 5, 2023

Written By David Carr (Super Administrator)

Updated at September 13th, 2023

Version 12.1.1 - Uploaded June 5, 2023

Click the link to watch the Version 12.1 Training Videos

New Features:

Cabinet Stretching 2.png
Modular Sizing
- Added the option to set incremental modular sizes for products - Users can define the incremental sizes that they want to limit their products to be sized at. This will be helpful for shops that have standard sized cabinet needs, or closet/cabinet makers building to the 32mm system. 
- Added standard face sizing - Users can define the incremental sizes that they would like door or drawer heights to be when sectioning a cabinet. 
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- Added a closet rod dimension layer - A new layer has been added to automatically dimension a closet rod's clearance to the next shelf or bottom below, as well as from the floor (shown in parenthesis). 
- Snap to Boring parameters - New parameters were added to automatically position fixed or adjustable shelves in relation to a linebore. You can choose the position for both Fixed and Adjustable shelves, and add adjustments up/down to each.
- Shelf Pin operations - Shelf pin operations can be added through a new column in the Shelf Pin library. Users can add dados or boring to the shelf. Those operations will be automatically added at each shelf pin location. 
Insert Ops into Face.jpg
- Insert operations into Face - Insert operations can now be added into the back of a cabinet's door or drawer front. These operations will be helpful for adding hardware items such as flip-up door systems, trash pullouts, tip-outs , etc. 
- Added more formula options to insert operations - You can now use formulas to size and position operations added with inserts. This will help when setting items such as sliding door tracks, led light routes, etc. 
Reports and Drawings
- Export to database - A new File> Export > "Export to Database" function has been added. Users will no longer need to run a report in print job to have the database updated. Note - We are now using SQLite as our database and no longer Microsoft Access. This database change will only affect a very small percentage of Mozaik users.
- Material column added to Door Size List - A new column was added to door and drawer front size reports in the Custom Report editor. This column will reference the door's material template name. 
- Parts Library Shorthand Name variable - The Part Shorthand name added to the part's library can now be used as a variable 
- Toe Assembly drawings - A new drawing option has been added to Multi-Print that will only show and dimension Toe Sub-Assemblies
Workflow, Performance, and Other
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- Change multiple textures at once - Check boxes were added to the texture tab to allow users to change the texture for multiple items at once. 
- Group edit product sizes - When selecting multiple products, you can now change the height, depth, elevation, or outset for all selected items at once. 
- Draggable height in products tab - Added the ability to drag a product up or down in the elevation view
- Material Template and Texture filtering - Added the ability to type into the dropdown menu for material templates and textures. This will be beneficial for users with many material templates or textures find the correct selection quickly.  
- 64-Bit - Mozaik has switched to a 64-bit application. This should fix memory errors and allow users to utilize newer SketchUp model formats. 
- PartTh variable - Added the ability to use PartTh in an equation. This will change if an individual part has a part level override. 
- Material override color code - Parts that have a part level material override will show up in light green text color to make them easily identifiable. 
- Shaped break dados - Break dados for Joint Fasteners are now a part of a parts shape and machined during the outline pass. Thru dados are no longer used. This should eliminate needless flipside operations in some cases.
- Shelf Nosing - Parameters were added to automatically add shelf nosing. Nosing can also be added or adjusted per shelf. 
To facilitate the transition to 64-bit, Mozaik no longer generates a Microsoft Access .mdb database file, but rather exports the same data to a SQLite database (.sqlite) in the same location. Any external tools you may be using that access the mdb file will need to be adjusted to point to the new SQLite file instead.
If you do not use any external tools that utilize the Microsoft Access .mdb database, you can ignore this disclaimer. 
Download links:

Click HERE to download Version 12.1.1 - Uploaded June 5, 2023

As always, Please read all update documentation and watch all available videos on each newer version when updating. This is paramount, especially if updating from older versions. Many aspects of Mozaik are updated, modified, changed, improved as we progress the software.

When updating to a new release it it a good practice to create a full backup of Mozaik first. Click Tools>Backup/Restore and click "Create Full Mozaik Backup"