Having issues with using Mozaik?
Your subscription to Mozaik comes with free email support.
Sending your job file to the helpdesk will allow us to replicate what you are seeing and help us respond quicker with more precise advice to help resolve your problem.
We reply to the majority of support requests in the helpdesk with appropriate help guides or by recording a video showing the steps to resolve your issue.
If we are unable to replicate your issue, or if we believe the issue might be caused by something on your computer, we might ask to remotely connect to your computer using an application such as TeamViewer.
Download Cadmate TeamViewer App
To help simplify this process, you can download our custom Cadmate TeamViewer app:
Download Cadmate TeamViewer app
- Once the app once downloaded.
- Read and accept the EULA and the DPA.
- Click Continue.

- Enter your name.
- Click Join session.

- TeamViewer will automatically connect and let us know you are ready.
- We'll give you a call when we're ready to connect, but you can also use the Chat button to reach out to us.
If you're having any issues connecting, or have any questions about using TeamViewer, please contact our helpdesk email help@cadmate.com.au